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The 3 resources listed below provide 24/7 crisis support and are the most often accessed. 

If none of these 3 helplines are what you're looking for, you need more specialized support, or you're not in need of 24/7 support, please see the list below for our full collection of crisis support resources for youth and young adults in Strathcona County and the surrounding area. Please note that our collection of resources if not exhaustive so if you can't find what you're looking for here, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. 


There's help available everywhere, sometimes you just have to look a little deeper to find it.

If there is a resource you think we're missing, please let us know.

CMHA Edmonton Crisis Line

The Distress Line is available 24/7 for those in crisis or distress or those supporting someone who is. 

We provide confidential, judgment-free, short-term crisis intervention, emotional support and resources to people in crisis or distress.

You might call if you’re dealing with overwhelming emotional distress, need crisis intervention, or if you’re in need of emergency response. 

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone’s e-mental health services are available 24/7 across Canada. This means that we’re here for kids, teens and young adults from coast to coast to coast.

We offer support by phone, text, through our website and more.


Provides a single point of access to adult addiction and mental health community based programs.

Access 24/7 provides a range of urgent and non-urgent addiction and mental health services including service navigation, screening, assessment, referral, consultation, crisis intervention, outreach and short term stabilization.

811 Health Link

Alberta Health Services (AHS)

Call Health Link for health advice or information and have the choice to speak with a variety of health care professionals. They will help determine the best care for your individual situation. This line is open 24 hour, 7 days a week and is available for anyone within Alberta.

Access 24/7 Addiction and Mental Health Line

Alberta Health Services (AHS)

Access 24/7 provides a range of urgent and non-urgent addiction and mental health services including service navigation, screening, assessment, referral, consulation, crisis intervention, outreach and short term stabilization. This line is availble to anyone over 18 years old and is open 24 hour, 7 days a week.

Addiction Helpline

Alberta Health Services (AHS)

The Addiction and Mental Health Help Line is a 24 hour, 7 days a week confidential service that provides support, information, and referrals to Albertans experiencing addiction and mental health concerns. This service is maintained by qualified professionals (i.e., nurses, therapists) and is available to all Albertans.

Alberta's One Line for Sexual Violence

Various Groups

Trained volunteers are available 7 days a week from 9am - 9pm to provide phone, text, and chat support.

Bullying Prevention Hotline

Alberta Health Services (AHS)

Call the 24 hour Bullying Prevention Helpline for advice and strategies on bullying prevention and building healthy relationships.

Child Abuse Hotline

Government of Alberta

Call the Child Abuse Hotline to get help if you, or children you know, are being neglected, abused or sexually exploited. If you believe you or a child is at risk, you must report it. Help is available in multiple languages 24 hour, 7 days a week.

Crisis and Shelter Intake Line

A Safe Place

Whether you are navigating domestic abuse or concerned about a loved one, people are here to listen. The 24 hour, 7 days a week Crisis and Shelter Intake Line is a safe place for anyone to call. The crisis counselor who answers your call will listen without judgement, answer your questions, and provide emotional support. If you need to stay with A Safe Place, they will work with you to support your safe arrival.

Edmonton Distress Line

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

The Distress Line is available 24 hour, 7 days a week for those in crisis or distress or those supporting someone who is. They provide confidential, judgment-free, short-term crisis intervention, emotional support and resources to people in crisis or distress. You might call if you’re dealing with overwhelming emotional distress, need crisis intervention, or if you’re in need of emergency response. During times of high demand, it may take a while to connect to a listener but please stay on the line or try again later.

Kids Help Phone


Kids Help Phone is a 24 hour, 7 days a week e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people and is available in English and French across Canada. Access help by texting CONNECT to 686868 or by using the link below.

Mental Health Crisis Team for Children and Youth

Stollery Children's Hospital

The Crisis Team offers immediate crisis support through the Crisis Line to children and youth, ages 5-17, and their care providers. This line is in operation from 8am - 11:30pm, 7 days a week, and does not require professional referral.

Poison and Drug Information Service (PADIS)

Alberta Health Services (AHS)

This is a free, confidential service open 24 hour, 7 days a week and provides information on poisons, chemicals, medications, and herbal supplements.

RCMP Non-Emergency

Strathcona County RCMP

Please check their website for a full list of services.

SACE Support and Information Line

Sexual Assault Center of Edmonton (SACE)

The SACE Support and Information Line is available 7 days a week from 9am - 9pm. This line is available for anyone who has experienced sexual assault or abuse, as well as those who are supporting anyone impacted by it. When calling you will be connected to a volunteer trained in supportive listening.

Trans Lifeline Hotline

Trans Lifeline

Trans Lifeline's Hotline is an anonymous and confidential peer support phone service run by trans people for our trans and questioning peers. Call them if you need somone to talk to, even if you're not in a crisis or if you're not sure if you're trans. This line is open 24 hour, 7 days a week.



YouthSpace is a free online crisis and emotional support chat service for youth and young adults under 30 years old across Canada. This service is open from 6pm - 12am (PST), 7 days a week.

PLEASE NOTE: Our list of resources and services is not exhaustive. If you don't find what you're looking for here, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. 

If you find something somewhere else that we don't have here, please let us know.

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